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The Information Technology & Multimedia Branch (ITMB) in-processing checklist below has all the steps necessary to get you up and running with a METC Network account.

If you have any questions, contact METC's Campus Support Center at 808-6382.


Soldier Inprocessing Checklist

US Army logoTo obtain access to the network at Ft Sam Houston, these items must be accomplished.

**NOTE - METC STUDENTS will be given all required paperwork for network access upon inprocessing.

1) METC FACULTY & STAFF ONLY: complete the  Acceptable Use Policy (AUP):

2) DD2875: Complete the METC 2875 "System Authorization Access Request Form". Fill it out and return it with signatures (preferably electronic) from yourself and the Security Administration Officer (someone with access to JPAS Security information). The ISO/Commander position is completed by DHA ITMB Administration. The EDIPI (DoD ID) number from the CAC must be on the form to create the account.

3) Information Assurance training: A copy of your current IA certificate is required at in-processing. The certificate must be valid within the year and obtained for JKO. Training can be found at https://jkodirect.jten.mil/Atlas2/page/login/Login.jsf?ORG=MHS.

4) Emergency Contact Form: Fill out the METC Employee Emergency Contact Form with your information. This form will be given to HR during your in-processing.

5) The signed AUP, copy of current IA certificate, Emergency Contact Form, and completed DD 2875 will be presented to your supervisor at in-processing to create your network account.
**NOTE - These forms contain Personally Identifying Information (PII) so they should not be transmitted by electronic means unless over an encrypted medium.

METC Employee Emergency Contact Form
DD2875 - System Authorization Access Request

Airman Inprocessing Checklist

Air Force symbolTo obtain access to the network at Ft Sam Houston, these items must be accomplished.

**NOTE - METC STUDENTS will be given all required paperwork for network access upon in-processing.

1) METC FACULTY & STAFF ONLY: complete the  Acceptable Use Policy (AUP):

2) DD2875: Complete the METC 2875 "System Authorization Access Request Form". Fill it out and return it with signatures (preferably electronic) from yourself and the Security Administration Officer (someone with access to JPAS Security information). The ISO/Commander position is completed by DHA ITMB Administration. The EDIPI (DoD ID) number from the CAC must be on the form to create the account.

3) Information Assurance training: A copy of your current IA certificate is required at in-processing. The certificate must be valid within the year and obtained for JKO. Training can be found at https://jkodirect.jten.mil/Atlas2/page/login/Login.jsf?ORG=MHS.

4) Emergency Contact Form: Fill out the METC Employee Emergency Contact Form with your information. This form will be given to HR during your in-processing.

5) The signed AUP, copy of current IA certificate, Emergency Contact Form, and completed DD 2875 will be presented to your supervisor at in-processing to create your network account.
**NOTE - These forms contain Personally Identifying Information (PII) so they should not be transmitted by electronic means unless over an encrypted medium.

METC Employee Emergency Contact Form
DD2875 - System Authorization Access Request

Sailor Inprocessing Checklist

US Navy logoTo obtain access to the network at Ft Sam Houston, these items must be accomplished.

**NOTE - METC STUDENTS will be given all required paperwork for network access upon inprocessing.

1) METC FACULTY & STAFF ONLY: complete the  Acceptable Use Policy (AUP):

2) DD2875: Complete the METC 2875 "System Authorization Access Request Form". Fill it out and return it with signatures (preferably electronic) from yourself and the Security Administration Officer (someone with access to JPAS Security information). The ISO/Commander position is completed by DHA ITMB Administration. The EDIPI (DoD ID) number from the CAC must be on the form to create the account.

3) Information Assurance training: A copy of your current IA certificate is required at in-processing. The certificate must be valid within the year and obtained for JKO. Training can be found at https://jkodirect.jten.mil/Atlas2/page/login/Login.jsf?ORG=MHS.

4) Emergency Contact Form: Fill out the METC Employee Emergency Contact Form with your information. This form will be given to HR during your in-processing.

5) The signed AUP, copy of current IA certificate, Emergency Contact Form, and completed DD 2875 will be presented to your supervisor at in-processing to create your network account.
**NOTE - These forms contain Personally Identifying Information (PII) so they should not be transmitted by electronic means unless over an encrypted medium.
METC Employee Emergency Contact Form
DD2875 - System Authorization Access Request

Coast Guard Inprocessing Checklist

U.S. Coard Guard emblemTo obtain access to the network at Ft Sam Houston, these items must be accomplished.

**NOTE - METC STUDENTS will be given all required paperwork for network access upon in-processing.

1) METC FACULTY & STAFF ONLY: complete the  Acceptable Use Policy (AUP):

2) DD2875: Complete the METC 2875 "System Authorization Access Request Form". Fill it out and return it with signatures (preferably electronic) from yourself and the Security Administration Officer (someone with access to JPAS Security information). The ISO/Commander position is completed by DHA ITMB Administration. The EDIPI (DoD ID) number from the CAC must be on the form to create the account.

3) Information Assurance training: A copy of your current IA certificate is required at in-processing. The certificate must be valid within the year and obtained for JKO. Training can be found at https://jkodirect.jten.mil/Atlas2/page/login/Login.jsf?ORG=MHS.

4) Emergency Contact Form: Fill out the METC Employee Emergency Contact Form with your information. This form will be given to HR during your in-processing.

5) The signed AUP, copy of current IA certificate, Emergency Contact Form, and completed DD 2875 will be presented to your supervisor at in-processing to create your network account.
**NOTE - These forms contain Personally Identifying Information (PII) so they should not be transmitted by electronic means unless over an encrypted medium.

METC Employee Emergency Contact Form
DD2875 - System Authorization Access Request

Civilian Inprocessing Checklist

To obtain access to the network at Ft Sam Houston, these items must be accomplished.

If you are a new DoD employee, you will NOT be able to complete some of these steps until AFTER you inprocess and are issued a Common Access Card (CAC).

1) METC FACULTY & STAFF ONLY: complete the  Acceptable Use Policy (AUP):

2) DD2875: Complete the METC 2875 "System Authorization Access Request Form". Fill it out and return it with signatures (preferably electronic) from yourself and the Security Administration Officer (someone with access to JPAS Security information). The ISO/Commander position is completed by DHA ITMB Administration. The EDIPI (DoD ID) number from the CAC must be on the form to create the account.

3) Information Assurance training: A copy of your current IA certificate is required at in-processing. The certificate must be valid within the year and obtained for JKO. Training can be found at https://jkodirect.jten.mil/Atlas2/page/login/Login.jsf?ORG=MHS.

4) Emergency Contact Form: Fill out the METC Employee Emergency Contact Form with your information. This form will be given to HR during your in-processing.

5) The signed AUP, copy of current IA certificate, Emergency Contact Form, and completed DD 2875 will be presented to your supervisor at in-processing to create your network account.
**NOTE - These forms contain Personally Identifying Information (PII) so they should not be transmitted by electronic means unless over an encrypted medium.
METC Employee Contact Form
DD2875 - System Authorization Access Request