Behavioral Health Technician


Behavioral health technicians are allied health professionals focused on communication techniques required to assess/evaluate military personnel and their family members in need of behavioral health care. The Behavioral Health Technician (BHT) course provides training in the areas of communication techniques, human development, psychopathological disorders, psychological testing, consultation, interviewing, psychiatric behavioral interventions, counseling, and Combat and Operational Stress Control (COSC). The course combines didactic classroom instruction and closely supervised practical exercises.

During the first 9 weeks, the course is consolidated. Students from all services complete seven (7) courses, 377 Course of Instruction (POI) hours together, focused on the foundational areas of behavioral health. Army and Air Force students then complete a basic medical course. After completion of the consolidated curriculum, students branch off into the service- specific curriculum to learn the duties and responsibilities related to behavioral healthcare within their service component. Army students participate in 4 weeks of directed clinical practicum (supervised patient care), a 72-hour field training exercise, and learn the tenants of providing behavioral healthcare in a deployed/operational setting. Navy and Coast Guard students participate in 4 weeks of directed clinical practicum and learn about the use and administration of psychotropic medications. Air Force students participate in 2 weeks of directed clinical practicum and learn the different functions of behavioral health subspecialties (e.g., family advocacy courses; alcohol drug abuse prevention and treatment). For all services, the directed clinical practicum sites include both federal and non-federal behavioral health facilities in the San Antonio area. Students are supervised by the BHT faculty while at the sites.

 US Air Force
AFSC: Mental Health Service Apprentice
Course Length: 
571 hours / 14 weeks, 3 days
Iterations per year: 12

 US Army
MOS: Behavioral Health Specialist
Course Length: 
692 hours / 17 weeks, 4 days
Iterations per year: 12

 US Navy
NEC: Behavioral Health Technician
Course Length: 
598 hours / 15 weeks
Iterations per year: 12

  US Coast Guard
Rate: Behavioral Health Technician
Course Length: 
598 hours / 15 weeks
Iterations per year: 12

School Code 083

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Search Instructions
Behavioral Health Technicians (BHT) are allied health professionals focused on communication techniques required to assess/evaluate military personnel and their family members in need of Behavioral Health care.

The BHT course provides formal didactic training at METC and is a consolidated course with three military services. It is designed to provide training in the areas of: Human Growth and Development, Psychopathology, Psychiatric Behavioral Interventions, Interviewing Skills, Psychological Testing, Counseling, and Combat Operational Stress Control (COCS).

The course combines didactic classroom instruction with closely supervised practical exercises. During the course of instruction, students are given an opportunity to gain hands-on experiential training within a clinical environment. The specific nature of this course is to train METC BHT students in the collection and recording of psychosocial and physical data from intake interviews and counseling sessions; assisting patients with activities of daily living; conducting group counseling sessions; the observation of medication side effects and behavioral changes; providing educational presentations to patients on coping skills, medication adherence, and suicide prevention. The course closes with a practicum in several area mental health facilities.

Students will interact with real patients in inpatient and outpatient settings, gaining valuable hands-on experience prior to graduation. Methods of instruction include, but are not limited to: lecture, demonstration, online materials, simulations, laboratory practice, and practical exercises. Quality control and safety techniques are emphasized throughout the course.

Special Information:
Army students must meet the physical and administrative prerequisites in accordance with the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) and AR 614-200, Chapter 4, Table 4-1.
Navy students must meet the prerequisite screening requirements in accordance with the Catalog of Navy Training Courses (CANTRAC).
Air Force students must meet the requirements for entry into the specialty in accordance with Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory, 4C.

Accreditation Information:

USAF graduates from this course receive 15 credit hours from the Community College of the Air Force.
USA graduates from this course receive 17 credit hours from the Community College of the Air Force.
USN graduates from this course receive 15 credit hours from the Community College of the Air Force.

Credentialing Information:


METC Information

(210) 808-6382
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