Combat Medic Specialist Training Course
The Combat Medic Specialist Training Course (CMSTC) trains initial entry Soldiers to provide emergency lifesaving treatment at the point of injury and at echelon level I to resuscitate and stabilize casualties in a combat or training environment. The CMSTC is the largest medical training course in the Department of Defense, training up to 6,300 students per year. There are approximately 30,000 Combat Medic Specialists throughout all components of the Army and is the Army’s second largest military occupational specialty (MOS).
The CMSTC is a three phase,16-week course that trains Soldiers in the foundational skills necessary to become effective combat medic specialists on the battlefield. The first phase of training, or Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Phase, is conducted over six weeks. During this phase, students are instructed in the national EMT standard curriculum of emergency medical services (EMS) pre-hospital training which culminates in a rigorous skills and computer-based test. When students pass this testing, they are certified by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians and move on to the “Whiskey” Phase. During the Whiskey Phase students receive extensive training with a special emphasis on individual life saving interventions. They are qualified as Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) tier level 3 after completing the advanced TCCC training. Students are also trained in limited primary care, medical care for patients exposed to weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear - CBRN agents), deployable medical systems, aircraft and ground evacuation, and casualty triage and processing. The course culminates with a rigorous Field Training Exercise (FTX) using realistic combat scenarios to validate what the students have learned through practical, real-world applications. This includes a 72- hour continuous combat simulated scenario and an introduction to prolonged field care.
The 16-week course consists of classroom lectures, blended on-line learning, team- building exercises, hands-on demonstrations, and extensive psycho-motor skills testing. Practical exercises and written examinations are used to assess accumulation and retention of knowledge and skills.
US Air Force
US Army
MOS: Combat Medic Specialist
Course Length:
664 hours / 16 weeks, 3 days
Iterations per year: 18
US Navy
School Code 083
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